Edward Hopper: 1882-1967: Transformation of the Real
Modern Art: 1870 - 2000: Impressionism to Today Hardcover – March 17, 2016
Michelangelo: 1475-1564: Universal Genius of the Renaissance
Jean-Michel Basquiat: The Explosive Force of the Streets Hardcover – Illustrated, October 29, 2015
Indian Style: Landscapes Houses Interiors Details
Hieronymus Bosch: The Complete Works
TASCHEN Jean-Michel Basquiat. 40th Ed.
Vincent Van Gogh: The Complete Paintings
Claude Monet: 1840-1926: Capturing the Ever-changing Face of Reality Hardcover – 17 September 2015
Vincent Van Gogh: The Complete Paintings
Pop Art Hardcover – 9 December 2015
Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519: The Complete Paintings and Drawings Hardcover – June 12, 2019
Caravaggio: 1571-1610: a Genius Beyond His Time
TASCHEN The Art and Science of Ernst Haeckel. 40th Ed.
Caravaggio: 1571-1610: a Genius Beyond His Time
Japanese Woodblock Prints
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Georgia O'Keeffe: Flowers in the Desert
Leonardo da Vinci: 1452-1519: Artist and Scientist Hardcover – September 17, 2015
Pop Art Hardcover – December 9, 2015
Masterpieces of Fantasy Art
Sandro Botticelli 1445-1510: The Evocative Quality of Line
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec: 1864-1901
Jean-Michel Basquiat. 40th Ed.
Monet. The Triumph of Impressionism Hardcover – Illustrated, April 29, 2014
Monet. The Triumph of Impressionism
Michelangelo: 1475-1564: Universal Genius of the Renaissance
Francisco de Goya, 1746-1828: On the Threshold of Modernity
Vincent van Gogh: 1853-1890, Vision and Reality
Mark Rothko: 1903-1970: Pictures As Drama Hardcover – Illustrated, September 17, 2015
Marc Chagall, 1887-1985: Painting As Poetry: English Edition
Van Gogh: The Complete Paintings Hardcover – August 29, 2020
Henri Matisse 1869-1954: Master of Colour
M.C. Escher: 1898-1972: The Graphic Work Hardcover – Illustrated, July 13, 2016
Claude Monet: 1840-1926: Capturing the Ever-changing Face of Reality Hardcover – September 17, 2015
Art: The Definitive Visual Guide (DK Definitive Cultural Histories) Hardcover – Illustrated, September 4, 2018
Jackson Pollock: 1912-1956: At the Limit of Painting
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Hiroshige: 1797-1858: Master of Japanese Ukiyo-e Woodblock Prints
Charles & Ray Eames: 1907-1978, 1912-1988: Pioneers of Mid-century Modernism
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Pierre-Auguste Renoir: 1841-1919
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